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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/02/2018
                        Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: John Robertson, Michael Genest, Robert Edwards
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of December 18, 2017.  Mr. Edwards seconded.  Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Edwards moved to approve the non-public minutes of December 18, 2017. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Preliminary Budget was reviewed. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee will present the CIP to the Board of Selectmen (BOS) on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.
  • Other Business:
  • The BOS received the Letter of Credit from Antrim Wind LLC through Attorney Richardson right before the meeting began. The Letter of Credit will be further reviewed with Town Counsel at a later date.
  • Ms. Hanson reported that the properties subject to deeding were deeded as directed by the BOS. There are a few properties the current owners no longer want and those will be transferred to the town via a quitclaim deed instead of going through the deeding process. Mr. Edwards asked if the titles were clear on these properties so the town is able to sell them. Ms. Hanson believes they are according to the research done by Total Notice LLC prior to sending the deed notices. Ms. Hanson will verify this with Town Counsel.
  • Future Board of Selectmen meetings: February 12, 2018, February 26, 2018.
  • Ms. Hanson will send another letter to Mr. Myron Steer, ConVal School Board Chairman, requesting that they state in writing their concerns with the Town Gym agreement in writing.
  • Mr. Robertson moved to go into Nonpublic session 91-A:3 II (b) hiring. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Ms. Hanson will advertise for two separate part time positions for land use board assistant and tax collector/town clerk assistant. Each position will be under 20 hours.
  • After no further business Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn at 8:50 PM. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator